Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Blog #4 - Revolution Article

1. The more memorable characters of the Civil War are military heroes, while memorable characters of the American Revolution tend to be civilian leaders such as Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson.

2. The portrayal of the Civil War and the American Revolution in photography and paintings (respectively) are very different. Photographs from the Civil War show battlefields and bodies littering the ground, while paintings of the American Revolution rarely show guns or military conflict.

3. George Washington, in his letters to Congress and other government officials, did not say much about the bad side of the Revolutionary war. Nor did he acknowledge those that fought in the war (the 100,000 men who were enlisted in the army during the war).

4. Civillians suffered as well, whether from disease spread by soldiers, raids carried out by the British, attacks by the Indians, and battles for major cities.

5. Americans captured during the war were treated very harshly, and 47% of captured Americans died, compared to the 12% of Confederate prisoners and 15% of Union prisoners that died during the Civil War.

Washington Crossing the Delaware

 The American Civil War

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